Installing the interWaysMAIL Microsoft Outlook Connector


Installation of the interWaysMAIL Connector for Micorosoft Outlook (2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, all 32bit and 64bit) is fast and easy. Should you have problems installing or using the connector, then please click here! Or contact us via Email.

Outlook Connector Settings

To import your old Outlook data back again, follow these steps (Please DO NOT import data files larger than 200MB!!! This will cause many problems!!! Ask us for instructions what do do if your file is larger than 200MB!

Problems installing or using the Connector?

If your Outlook data file is large (>200MB), then please follow these steps to set up the system:

Please contact us if you need any help setting up your system! To contact us, click here!

Important Information: Please back up your data frequently (just follow the instructions for backups in the support section, then copy that files to a secure location) since interWays can not be held liable for service interruptions, loss of data and/or damages thereof.